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Power Up with Google Brand Recommendations 

Visual illustration of Google Brand Recommendations populating

Google Ads has introduced a groundbreaking update and it’s a must-know for marketers aiming to optimize their ad strategies. New Google Brand Recommendations are promising to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of awareness and consideration campaigns, improving CPM (cost per thousand impressions) and CPV (cost per video view).  

Understanding the Changes 

Driven by AI, Brand Recommendations are now part of Google Ads. These are not just for performance-related campaigns (cost-per-action); they now extend to awareness and consideration campaigns. By analyzing your account history, campaign settings, and trends across Google, Google ads provides tailored suggestions to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

Google Brand Recommendations will help marketers save time by automating the suggestion process and allowing you to focus on strategic decisions. The suggestions will boost reach and impact, ensuring campaigns achieve their objectives more effectively. They will be continually updated based on the latest trends and best practices, keeping your campaigns relevant and effective.  

Guidance is categorized into five essential areas for optimization: 

  • Ads and Assets: Refine existing ads and create new ones. Highlight the best-performing ads more frequently. Organize ads into more effective ad groups. Examples include adding bumper ads, adjusting video aspect ratios, and funneling up with a brand campaign. 
  • Bidding and Budgets: Impact estimates show how adjustments can grow brand awareness or market share. Identify optimal bid strategies to meet business goals. Ensure campaigns aren’t limited by bids or budgets. Examples include adjusting CPM and CPV budgets for flighted budgets and modifying CPM bids. 
  • Keywords and Targeting: Reach more relevant audiences interested in your offerings. Examples include opting into audience expansion and creating new ad groups without contextual targeting. 
  • Measurement: Unlock additional reporting features for better campaign insights. Examples include linking your YouTube account to Google Ads for enhanced tracking and reporting. 
  • Full-Funnel Opportunities: Build stronger brand recognition and create a cohesive customer journey from awareness to conversion. Leverage your existing audience and performance data to elevate your campaign strategy, transitioning from lower-funnel performance campaigns to upper-funnel brand awareness efforts.  

How to Get Started 

Access these new features by navigating to the Recommendations page within your Google Ads account. There, you’ll find suggestions tailored to your active CPM or CPV campaigns. To maximize the benefits of Google Ads’ new feature, you’ll want to: 

  • Review Regularly: Check back frequently to stay updated on new suggestions and best practices. 
  • Test and Iterate: Implement and monitor their impact. Use A/B testing to compare different strategies and refine your approach. 
  • Leverage All Categories: Utilize across ads and assets, bidding and budgets, keywords and targeting, and measurement for comprehensive optimization. 
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of updates and new features within Google Ads to continually enhance your campaign strategies. 

Prepare for the Impact on Campaign Management 

The latest offering from Google empowers marketers with a new way to enhance their advertising efforts. Marketers who regularly engage with and implement Google Brand Recommendations can expect to see improved campaign performance, better reach, and a more efficient use of their advertising budget. By taking it a step further and automating the suggestion process, you will be able to focus more on strategic planning and creative development, rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae of campaign management. 

Embrace this new feature and incorporate it into your regular campaign management routine to stay ahead in the competitive digital advertising landscape. 

Partner with Amplytics to maximize the value of every campaign and watch your company grow. Start your free trial today. 

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Amplytics is an intelligent digital marketing monitoring tool that watches your paid LinkedIn ad campaigns nonstop, automatically delivering customized email or Slack updates on the success of your marketing efforts.